The CompBioMed Centre of Excellence was designed to advance the role of computationally based modelling and simulation within biomedicine. Three related user communities lay at the heart of the CoE: academic, industrial and clinical researchers who all wish to build, develop and extend such capabilities in line with the increasing power of high performance computers. Three distinct exemplar research areas were pursued: cardiovascular, molecularly-based and neuro-musculoskeletal medicine. Read More

CompBioMed2 is the second phase of the Computational Biomedicine Centre of Excellence (CoE), CompBioMed, an outward facing CoE comprising members from academia, industry and the healthcare sector. Medical regulatory authorities are currently embracing the prospect of using in silico methods in the area of clinical trials and we intend to be in the vanguard of this activity, laying the groundwork for the application of HPC-based Computational Biomedicine approaches to a greater number of therapeutic areas. Read More

ComPat was a science driven project on Computing Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing. Multiscale phenomena are ubiquitous and they are the key to understanding the complexity of our world. We are still limited in our capability to accurately and reliably simulate hierarchies of interacting multiscale physical processes that span a wide range of time and length scales, thus quickly reaching the limits of contemporary high performance computing at the tera and petascale. Exascale supercomputers promise to lift this limitation, this project developed multiscale computing algorithms capable of producing high-fidelity scientific results and scalable to exascale computing systems. Read More

The VECMA project enables a diverse set of multiscale, multiphysics applications — from fusion and advanced materials through climate and migration, to drug discovery and the sharp end of clinical decision making in personalised medicine — to run on current multi-petascale computers and emerging exascale environments with high fidelity such that their output is “actionable”. That is, the calculations and simulations are certifiable as validated (V), verified (V) and equipped with uncertainty quantification (UQ) by tight error bars such that they may be relied upon for making important decisions in all the domains of concern. The central deliverable is an open source toolkit for multiscale VVUQ based on generic multiscale VV and UQ primitives. Read More